I've decided to offer my work and knowledge to you as a foreign
coworker who wishes to add his ideas and effort to whatever
project you are dealing with and that lies within my background.
If you think I could be useful for your task, please don’t hesitate
to contact me ”.
R.L. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Ricardo Lembo
is a phycisist who has devoted to the design and development
of many different products and devices, ranging from electronic
plastic cabinets to scientific instruments. He began to work
in 1974 at the Department of Physics of the Buenos Aires University
(Argentina) as a teacher and developing scientific instruments
and diverse devices such as electronic leakage controls for
NMR crossed coils probes, special ovens to study Hall effect
at high temperatures, electron beams capacitive detectors, and
also several laboratory techniques to manufacture small plastic
parts by injection and thermoforming. In the field of Biophysics
he designed and built freeze-dryers and thermal conductivity
sensors to be applied in Bionics.
After 1993 he left the University and worked independently on
the design of several other devices: electrical switches, low
impedance vacuum valves, injection and thermoforming molds,
plastic injectors and vacuum forming machines, and he began
to teach several techniques to manufacture plastics pieces (see
During the last years he was also dealing with prosthetic hands
and pneumatic muscles, and one of his projects deals with the
development of a pneumatic muscle starting from an anisotropic
During 2002 he drawn a whole project to build a prosthetic plastic-titanium
hand with fully articulated fingers, and this proposal was one
of the winners of a competition organized by the government
of Buenos Aires (see photo La Nacion).
Last year R. Lembo designed and built a device to inject plastic
directly into a special mould built over a big water pump belonging
to the AES Alicura Energy Plant (Argentina) and that couldn’t
be dismantled to do the work in a conventional way.
R. Lembo is also the owner of several Patents of Invention,
including the one of a thermoforming machine to mold thick plastic
material without auxiliary compressed air
Visit http://www.cursosplasticos.com.ar/